Our Mission
Our goal is to provide the Hujjaj with proper knowledge to correctly perform Hajj according to the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. With our educated staff, we ensure only the right information will be given to the Hujjaj along with friendliness and care. We seek to positively impact our customers so they can achieve the ultimate goal of Hajj mabroor and continue to implement the spirituality gained through Hajj in their daily lives.

Sh. Mohamad Joban
Sheikh Mohamad Joban is a full-time Imam at MAPS. He is also the current president of the Imam Fatwa Committee in WA. He has a B.A. in Arabic from the Islamic University in Jakarta, Indonesia and a B.A. in Theology, Islamic Call and Culture as well as an M.A. in Islamic Studies from the prestigious University of Al-Azhar in Cairo.

Ustadz Abdullah Ly
Ustadz Abdullah Ly is the President of the Islamic Center of Olympia, WA. He studied under Sh. Joban since 1989. He graduated from Gontor Indonesia in 2005. Then He continued his study in Sharia from Umm Qura University, Makkah, KSA